Begin Transmission

That's it, let it all out. Let the waterworks flow, get it out of your system. Are you finished? Now we can begin. If I divide by zero does the universe implode? If I drain these walls of years of insane banter what then will make me worse? Is there a whole totality to all of this? Humanity, in its quest to reach its peak, has created several ways to destroy itself and oftentimes congratulates itself for it. First we destroy our houses, then our schools, our jobs and when we have destroyed everything in our path, we destroy our spirits. We destroy each other in so many ways, some like a saccharine tasting wine while some, a brutal yet intense connection. And of course being the theatrical beings that we are, let everything build up while our eyes are closed. We let ourselves get comfortable in our own skin first. And once everything has settled and the guarding eye becomes complacent, we destroy ourselves with one fell swoop. We cut off each others wings and laugh at each others bloody backs, all of us smiling as we do. We spray each others eyes with acid and push ourselves into brick walls. We smash our own faces, whether we do it ourselves or with a little help from others. We destroy that we detest, and become monsters ourselves in the process. Look. An airplane you're flying on's right engine has burst into flames. a quick gust of wind slaps your face, and all you see are bits and pieces of what used to be the airplane's interior flying in front of you. People are being sucked into what seems like a hole in the wall. You see the expressions on their faces and hear their screams as they soar through the air. You notice a relative hanging onto your seat, with his or her weight slowly pulling your seat into the rip in the airplane. All this in under five seconds. What do you do?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Zombie Nation

According to a quiz on an online social networking site, I have a 38% chance of surviving a zombie infection.

I'm the guy who'll take out a wave of zombies while locked in a room filled with explosives while the others escape. Who wants to wait to be eaten anyway once the world is overrun by zombies?

They could even have "zombie politics" where officials were replaced once they've effectively utterly rotted away to nothing. The one with the least rotted away brains (which they eat anyway) gets to sit in office. Or maybe even the one who's eaten the most brains, he or she does after all have the most amount of brains.

I don't see this evolution of man surviving as it does not have any self-preservation method other than either eating human brains or turning other people into zombies. What if the whole human race has been either eaten, or turned into zombies? They couldn't procreate, because there aren't any humans left to infect. Or eat, zombies don't harm animals otherwise they would be just people who rot really fast.

Well, at least John Lennon's dream would come true.

1 comment:

  1. they do eat animals once in a while or whenever it is available. i guess human's just a treat for them like chocolates or lamb chops that's why they readily attack any survivor. :D -ceska

